Behind the scene of design

As it is rightly said by Lorinda Mano, “Every great design begins with an even better story.”

Design is not just the outer appearance, but an inner feeling. It is not just what you wear or how it looks but also how you feel.

What if, a design that just not appears great from outside but feels even better inside?

Technically speaking, Design is a work process which has a user’s perspective, designer’s creativity with the needs of a customer. Every individual has a different design definition and a different design process. Personally, I believe that a design should have a story, a story that combines all the three and connects both the designer and the customer or user. If one feels good from inside, it reflects outside and further a good appearance of the design adds on.

Ritwika Adhikari

Ritwika Adhikari

Designer in making | Trying to make everyday a little better | NIFT Delhi
Source : Internet
Source : Internet

What could be the design process?

To begin with,

– Expectations from a design
Design includes everyone and everything. It influences people’s mind as well as heart. So, design should be such that it fits most of the people.

– Things that should be considered
Surrounding is something that influences people, the experiences. Thus, a story behind the design, considering the financial, personal and also the technological surroundings.

– The analysis
The concept and the visualisation, A need of the user, functionality, thoughts should be well analysed. Further, the concept and visualisation considering all the aspects, a number of ideas are presented.

– Selection of a concept
All the ideas when presented are considered and compared with the other aspects like financial, convince, storyline, etc. A final concept that fulfils most of the parameters is finalised.

“Every great design begins with an even better story.” – Lorinda Mamo

The design that is finalised, is not just aesthetics, pattern or appearance but a style, a process, a story that is presented with a strategy and innovation, And definetely hardwork of a lot of people.

So, let us know what kind of story you find or you want in a design?

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Design Thinking

Behind the scene of design

Design is not just the outer appearance, but an inner feeling. It is not just what you wear or how it looks but also how you feel.

What if, a design that just not appears great from outside but feels even better inside?

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