
Empowerment through the eyes of woolens

Idenity Design | Social Media Design | System Design | Web Design & Development


Meesu’s vision is to establish a free-flowing system that promotes and supports rural knitting craft in socially, economically and political ways. Meesu is a production cluster spaning over several states, mainly UP & Bihar. The team recognizes the unmatchable knitting skills of women of rural India, which is not being used to it’s top potential. Meesu analysed the market national and international, and saw an obvious gap between market and well handcrafted beautiful quality products.


The challlenge with meesu was to create a visual identity that resonates with the ’empowerment’ which is one of the basis of brand values, the new identity should be minimal and not very loud reflecting the lives of women knitting fashion
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Meesu is acting as a bridge between skilled craft women and quality market supply. It is a people centric design system that not only focuses on the end customers but also about all the other human resources that are being invloved.
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